The National Archives of Australia’s Check-Up Report 2024 reveals improvement in five of the six information maturity areas: ‘creating information assets’, ‘storing, preserving, creating information assets’, ‘governance and culture’, ‘describing information assets (metadata)’, and ‘use, reuse and interoperability’. Concerningly, ‘appraising and disposing’ showed a slight decline (3.27 compared with 3.9 (out of […]
Information Governance
The Role of Information Governance in Reducing Data Breach Risks
As data breaches continue to rise, the importance of robust governance to align and improve integrated cybersecurity, technology procurement, privacy compliance, and information lifecycle management becomes critical. Recently released reports by the Office of the Australian Information Commission and the New South Wales Information Commission reveal the high percentage of […]
The Information Governance Primer
In today’s digital and AI environment, the growing number and complexity of challenges associated with data and information are outpacing traditional governance and management practices. The Information Governance Primer address these challenges by providing a guide to developing a holistic enterprise-wide system to mitigate risks and maximise opportunities.
The Information Governance Primer assists professionals in developing a well-executed IG framework and program, with appropriate leadership, to deliver effective data and information security and control by reducing the costs of holding information and maximising the value of information held by the organisation.
The Information Governance Primer articulates persuasively the rationale for implementing good information governance and aims to equip IG practitioners with the knowledge required to build and improve information governance across a range of organisation types, including government, corporations, and not-for-profits.
The Information Governance Primer provides a general overview of information governance, covering a range of important factors, including the key drivers of IG, the benefits of successful IG implementation, an outline of IG models and frameworks, and the role of IG leadership in establishing robust information governance.
The Information Governance Primer is free for InfoGovANZ members and is available here.
Framework for Governance of Indigenous Data for Australian Government Agencies
The National Indigenous Australians Agency has released the Framework for Governance of Indigenous Data for Australian Government agencies. The Framework aims to give Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people greater agency over how their data are governed within the Australian Public Service (APS) so that government-held data better reflects their […]
National Archives and OAIC call for proactive approach to information management
The National Archives and the Office of the Australian Information Commissioner (OAIC) joined together to mark Open Government Week and to champion best practice in government information creation, management, protection, use and access. Simon Froude, Director-General of the National Archives and Elizabeth Tydd, Acting Information Commissioner and Freedom of Information Commissioner stated, ‘Information […]
IG Industry Report 2023
The IG Industry Report 2023 tracks the key developments and trends in Information Governance. This year’s key findings include:
- The key drivers and priorities for information governance activities within organisations were:
- External regulatory, compliance or legal obligations
- Good business management practices
- Internal technology restructuring or transition; and
- Mitigating risks associated with data that can be defensibly deleted.
- The survey results revealed that a quarter of all IG projects either underway or planned to be underway in the next year were driven largely by changes or foreshadowed changes to privacy laws with a further quarter being ‘somewhat’ driven by changes or foreshadowed changes to privacy laws.
- Organisations are increasingly governing with a formal IG framework. The number of respondents reporting that their organisation is doing so has increased from 51% in 2019 to 64% in 2021 and then 71% in 2023.
- In another positive sign, nearly two-thirds of respondents assessed their organisation’s IG maturity as intermediate or advanced.
- A significant increase in IG projects is planned across the next 12 months from 74% in 2021 to 82% in 2023.
- Over a third of respondents indicated their organisations are expecting to increase their IG spend this financial year.
As recent high-profile data breaches have shown, boards and governing authorities of organisations need to have in place robust information governance to reduce information risks across the enterprise. Boards need to ensure they are actively monitoring the governance of data and information lifecycle– from collection to use and disposal - to comply with privacy regulations and reduce overall risks, including reputational and legal risks and costs to the organisation.
IG Industry Report 2023 Download
Information Lifecycle Management: what is it and how it reduces risk?
Most organisations are collecting and generating exponentially increasing volumes of data each year. However, many organisations struggle to safely and efficiently dispose of data that is no longer needed for regulatory retention requirements or for legitimate purposes, as required, for example, under the Australian Privacy Principles (APPs), the General Data […]
New Frontiers and Information Technology Governance
Professor Michael Adams, Head of UNE Law School, InfoGovANZ Advisory Board Introduction The last two years have been a period of disruption due to COVID-19 pandemic and the need for all businesses and organisations to “pivot”. In the information governance space this has been a major positive and a serious […]
Pioneer of IG – Dame Fiona Caldicott
Dame Fiona Caldicott, the first UK National Data Guardian for Health and Social Care passed away this year. Dame Fiona was the UK pioneer of Information Governance, with the publication of the Caldicott Report in 1997 setting the benchmark for the collection and use of personal information and the need for […]
Building Trust in the Public Record
The National Archives of Australia‘s new whole-of-government information management policy, Building Trust in the Public Record: managing information and data for government and community is now in force – The new policy supports a holistic approach to information and asset management using information governance. The aim of the policy is to continue […]
Building Trust in the Public Record Highlights
Information Governance ANZ was pleased to host an interactive forum with David Fricker, Director-General of the National Archives of Australia regarding the new policy Building Trust in the Public Record: managing information and data for government and community. This interactive session covered: · Key information management requirements for Australian Government agencies · Actions […]
Is Your Data Estate an Unstructured Mess? How a Spring-Cleaning Project Can Reduce Your Organization’s Risk
Posted with permission from Active Navigation, originally published on June 10. In this special guest feature, Dean Gonsowski, Chief Revenue Officer at Active Navigation, InfoGovANZ’s Foundation Sponsor, focuses on what steps a company needs to follow to review, understand and clean-up their data to eliminate security risks. As a former […]
For Governance, Integration Matters
Effective corporate governance is not a one-size-fits-all approach, as recognised by regulators and self-regulatory organisations around the world. Principles propounded by local advisory and governing bodies provide guidance on how to effectively and transparently manage an organization and ensure it is meeting its obligations to all stakeholders. We will examine […]
Information Governance Key to Good Corporate Governance
Information governance, data protection and security, privacy, cybersecurity and artificial intelligence (AI) have all become critical topics for boards and government bodies to consider. Historically, the issues tended to be dealt with under either ‘IT’ issues or records and information compliance issues. In recent years, the importance of cybersecurity, AI […]
Information and Data Governance Driving Interoperability
Achieving interconnected services, sharing and re-using information and data assets requires strategic planning and investment. The Data Interoperability Maturity Model (DIMM) is the latest advice from the National Archives of Australia for building interoperability under the Digital Continuity 2020 Policy. It highlights the importance of information and data governance to […]
Automated Speech Recognition and Information Governance
While Automated Speech Recognition (ASR) technology has been present in various forms for decades, advances in statistical modelling, artificial intelligence (AI) and automation connectively have resulted in a new frontier for speech-based interaction between humans and computer systems. In this article Dr Peter Chapman, Director in the KPMG Forensic Technology […]
Information Governance: optimising the lifeblood of organisations
Figure: The Elements of Information Governance diagram Data and information are increasingly becoming the lifeblood of organisations. However the exponential amounts of data being collected by companies and government alike, together with the risks and costs of holding and securing this information, have created a new set of issues for […]
Data as a Strategic National Resource: The Importance of Governance and Data Protection
As we rapidly move toward a technology-driven, globally interconnected world, the exponential growth in data collected by business and government enables significant value to be derived from this resource. In December 2015, the Australian Government released its Australian Government Public Data Policy Statementas part of the National Innovation and Science […]
Corporate governance in the digital economy: The critical importance of information governance
Information is critical to decision-making and plays an essential role across all three pillars of governance. The emerging driver of good information governance globally is compliance with regulatory obligations, particularly with the growth in global privacy laws. Effective information governance requires top-down board and senior executive leadership. Good corporate […]
Jason R Baron: The Need for Information Governance more than ever
Presidential tweets, Self-destructing messages and the use of Shadow IT as the ‘new normal’: The need for Information Governance more than ever – Jason R Baron Thanks to Gilbert+Tobin and Thomson Geer for hosting very successful and engaging events in Sydney and Melbourne with Jason R. Baron presenting ‘Presidential […]