Wednesday, 7 December 2022, 5pm-6pm AEDT
Join us for our end-of-year event with special guests – The Hon Victor Dominello MP Minister for Digital, NSW Privacy Commissioner Samantha Gavel and Dr Peter Chapman to discuss: learnings from recent high-profile data breaches; minimising personal data; cyberattacks and the role of human error; how to building digital resilience and empowering individuals with more control over their personal information; and the role of Privacy-by-Design and robust Information Governance.
Join us for our special event with guests:
- The Hon Victor Dominello MP, Minister for Customer Service and Digital Government;
- Ms Samantha Gavel, NSW Privacy Commissioner;
- Dr Peter Chapman, Director, KPMG Forensic Technology and
facilitated by Susan Bennett, Founder & Executive Director, InfoGovANZ.
The panel will discuss:
- Learnings from recent high-profile data breaches:
- Minimising personal data
- Cyberattacks and the role of human error
- How to give individuals more control over their personal information
- The role of privacy-by-design and robust governance
Event Details
Date: December 07, 2022
Start time: 17:00 AEDT
End time: 18:00 AEDT
Venue: Zoom Meeting