Advisory Board
Christopher Colwell is a Fellow, Life Member and former director of Records and Information Management Professionals Australasia and a Fellow of the Governance Institute of Australia and the Institute of Chartered Secretaries and Administrators. For the last 20 years he has implemented records and information management programs in Australian State and Commonwealth public sector agencies. He has also held broader corporate governance responsibilities within these agencies.
Chris holds an Associate Diploma of Arts (Library Practice), a Bachelor of Applied Science (Information Studies), a Master of Arts (Information & Knowledge Management) and a Graduate Diploma in Applied Corporate Governance.
He is a Sessional Lecturer in the Information and Knowledge Management Program at the University of Technology, Sydney where he recently completed his PhD. Chris’ doctoral research explores how diverse professional groups within Australian Government agencies understand and perceive the concept of records as part of their everyday work practices.
You can read more about Chris and his career journey in his interview for the Governance of Things.
Christopher’s articles and webinars: